Band allocation
There are many factors that contribute to what band you're allocated.
Find out more about the criteria for each band.
More details can be found in the HomeChoice Allocation Scheme.
Housing need (HN)
You'll notice the letters HN used in our detailed overview of the criteria for each band. This refers to 'housing needs' which are categories given to certain applicants who are more in need of housing than others. The categories include:
- Overcrowding
- Health affected by current housing
- Harassment
- Hardship
- Unsanitary or unsatisfactory housing
Applicants with two or more housing needs will receive higher priority when their application is assessed.
Find out more about housing need in the HomeChoice Allocation Scheme.
Applications suspended from bidding
Some households may be eligible and qualify to join HomceChoice Bristol housing register, but subsequently be suspended from bidding. households will be suspended from bidding in the folowing situations:
- If they have Bristol Housing Partnership debt
- If they are guilty of anti-social behaviour or have breached their tenancy agreement
- If they have refused 2 reasonable offers of accommodation
More information about this can be found in the HCB Allocation Scheme
Appealing a decision
You can request a review of a decision if you disagree with the band you've been allocated or if you feel that we've unreasonably refused your application to the Housing Register.
To request a review please contact the HomeChoice Bristol team within 21 days of the decision. You'll need to tell us why you're appealing and provide any additional information that you want us to consider when the review is carried out.
We'll normally let you know of the outcome of the review within eight weeks.
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